Emerging Artist Cohort
Creativity is a God-given gift, and our Emerging Artist Cohort offers a place to develop talents in the visual and performing arts with a career emphasis. In short, we are preparing Christians to make their innovative mark on the world through fine arts.
Features of the program:
- Rigorous core curriculum. Curriculum path includes the equivalent of 5 years of fine arts (including performance-based credits and academic credits). Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher in arts curriculum courses.
- Internship or job shaodw of 40 hours, compiled in a portfolio for review.
- Independent research project, guided by a faculty mentor, and including field visits to museums or galleries.
- Book study with EAC Cohort.
- Capstone Project of student work, presented in a Senior Showcase public exhibition or performance.
Past internship locations include:
- Augsburg Fortress Publishing
- White Bear Center for the Arts
- 615 Media
- Megan Bell Studio
- Locally Grown Theatre
- Celebrate Dance Academy
- Upstream Arts
- Minnesota Book Restoration and Binding
Successful Emerging Artist Curriculum candidates will, upon completion, receive commendation on diplomas and on transcripts, as well as recognition at Concordia Academy’s Honors Convocation.
Click here to download the Emerging Artist Curriculum Handbook.