Core Values
Concordia Academy, a Lutheran High School, provides Christian learning opportunities that invite spiritual growth while nurturing academic excellence. We exist to lead, teach, and inspire students to become all that God would have them be.
With that in mind, the following are Concordia Academy’s Core Values.
Honor God in All That We Do (1 Corinthians 10:31; Mark 12:30)
Knowing God and His Love for us, cherishing His Word, and seeking to please Him in all that we do is at the heart of the Concordia Academy experience. We seek to “live worship” in every aspect of life. This includes everything in and outside of school. All that we do is a reflection of whose we are.
Love and Serve Students and Families (Ephesians 6:4; Psalm 78:1-4)
Concordia Academy is open to all who desire a Christ-centered, Biblically informed and inspired educational experience for their children. All employees of Concordia Academy are first and foremost servants of our students and families. We are servants called to lead, feed, and protect sheep even as the Good Shepherd must continually lead, feed, and protect us. Families representing all of God’s people (every tribe, language, nation, gifting, and ability) have equal opportunity to a place at Concordia Academy.
Live, Work, and Play in Christian Community (Romans 12:10-16a; 1 Corinthians 12: 25-26)
Principles rather than policies and relationships rather than rules, take precedence in the life and community of Concordia Academy. Repentance, forgiveness, grace, and joy are common marks of our community. Individuals are celebrated as children of God, recognized as having unique gifts, passions, and purposes in the Kingdom of God, and encouraged to honor God in all that they do. We are a community that is always “considering how we may spur one another on toward love and good work” (Hebrews 10:24).
Become Better Than We Once Were (Colossians 3:23)
Excellence is the hallmark of Concordia Academy’s academics, arts, athletics, and relationships. Excellence is defined as a process measured by individual, team, and corporate improvement, not a specific outcome. Honoring God through Excellence (i.e., improvement) is encouraged and expected of all members of the Concordia Academy community.