College On Campus
Concordia Academy offers more than 100 college credits taught live on-campus. Instead of commuting throughout the Twin Cities, students can remain on campus and take real college classes taught by college professors, thanks to a unique partnership with Concordia University-St Paul (CSP).
Students who take our college classes receive credit from both Concordia Academy and Concordia University. Upon completion of a college class, students receive a college transcript from Concordia University. This transcript can be transferred to any university that accepts college transfer credits.
CA’s on-campus college classes differ from both AP (Advanced Placement) classes and off-campus PSEO classes. In AP classes, students do college level work but only receive college credit if they pass a single test given at the end of the class. In Concordia Academy’s college classes, students are given multiple assessments throughout the learning experience. Unlike off-campus PSEO classes, students do not have to leave the high school campus during the day, and classes are taken with fellow high-school students. In addition, these are live on-site classes, not online classes.
Junior and senior students with a minimum of a 3.25 GPA are eligible for college classes.
Listed below are some of the college courses that have been offered on CA’s campus over the last few years.
ART 142 Intro to Digital Photography
ART 161 Ceramics I
ART 212 Illustration
ART 282 Graphic Design I
COM 103 Fundamentals of Communication
COM 212 Public Speaking and Performance
ENG 120 College Writing
ENG 155 Intro to Literature
CHE 115 General Chemistry I
CHE 116 General Chemistry II
BIO 210 Biology I: The Unity of Life
BIO 130 Biology II: Diversity of Life
HIST 231 College American History I
HIST 233 College American History II
POL 131 American Government
KHS 110 Health and Human Movement
MAN 101 Intro to Business
MATH 135 Calculus I
MATH 145 Calculus II
MATH 102 Intro to Statistics
PSY 101 Intro to Psychology
SPA 201 Intermediate College Spanish