Prayer Support
Concordia Academy is a mission of the Christian Church, so we depend on the prayers of the church at large in order to carry out our mission of preparing students for lives of faith and service. Please consider supporting the ministry of CA by praying that:
- God’s Spirit would rest on CA in a unique and powerful way.
- God would work saving faith in any student who may not know Him.
- All students would know they are loved and accepted here.
- Truth would be spoken and spoken in love.
- Our students would be transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ
- God would be honored and students would be inspired by excellence in our academic, arts, and athletic programs.
- Our students would graduate prepared and committed to lives of faith and service wherever God might lead them next.
We also invite prayers for our faculty, staff, and all of our CA families.
For specific prayer requests, please feel free to contact CA’s principal, Dr. Tim Berner.
Parents Prayer
Parents’ Prayer is a monthly prayer ministry that meets one Monday of each month from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. This ministry is open to all parents, grandparents, and friends of CA who desire to pray for our school. Pastor Berner will lead us through the hour as we focus on general prayer concerns for our school, administration, faculty, staff, students, and families.
If you would like to be on the Parents Prayer email list to receive regular reminders and the monthly prayer list, contact Christina Bensus at
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances.
I Thessalonians 5:17
Moms In Prayer
Moms in Prayer is an international organization gathering mothers worldwide to pray for their children and schools. We use a four-step format of conversational prayer—praise, silent confession, thanksgiving, and intercession—to pray for the needs of our students, teachers, staff, and school. All CA women (moms, guardians, grandmas, aunts, teachers) are invited to join us! Our CA Moms in Prayer group meets at 1:20 pm every Wednesday that school is in session. For more information, you may contact Valerie Morrison at
…pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children…
Lamentations 3:19