2024-2025 Back-to-School Newsletter

From the Executive Director
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We look forward to this upcoming year with great excitement and anticipation. We have an outstanding group of new freshmen and transfers joining us. We’ve added some classes, tweaked some programs, planned some surprises, and we have a new principal!
Of course, what’s really exciting is thinking about what our “senior partner” has in store for this coming year. The mission of CA is to lead, teach, and inspire students to become all that God would have them be. Talk about an audacious goal! To actually become all that God would have us be requires nothing less than a miracle. Thanks be to God that, in Jesus, we have that miracle! Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full.
Our prayer and confident expectation is that God will use everything that happens in this upcoming year, the good as well as the challenging, to lead students to discover who they really are: who God has made them to be, redeemed them to be, and is calling them to be. This is life to the full! This is what we want for every student. The fact that our God himself is determined to bring this about gives us every reason to be excited.
Let’s get this year going!
Pastor Tim Berner
Executive Director
[email protected]

From the Principal
Dear Beacon Families,
Many blessings and prayers to all during this exciting time of year. It is an absolute honor and a joy to have joined the CA family!
From the welcoming community to the excellent Christ-centered educational experiences, it is evident this is where the Lord was calling me to be. With almost two decades of service in Christian education, I look forward to combining my past experiences with what’s ahead in my new role as principal at Concordia Academy.
I am deeply passionate about supporting high schoolers as they grow in their faith and develop into all that the Lord is calling them to be. May the Lord bless and guide each of our students this year as they take on various challenges with Jesus as their foundation!
In Christ’s Love,
Mrs. Jasmine Anderson
[email protected]

Updated Cell Phone Policy
The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt, is a book that I recommend to every CA family. Haidt makes a powerful argument that the proliferation of smartphones among teens, which took place between 2010 and 2015, fundamentally changed the nature of childhood. He argues that we shifted from a “play-based childhood” to a “phone-based childhood.” He refers to this as the “Great-Rewiring of Childhood,” a time when “social patterns, role models, emotions, physical activity, and even sleep patterns were fundamentally recast, for adolescents, over the course of just five years” (pg.35). Even more significantly, Haidt notes that during this same period, major depression among teens skyrocketed by roughly 150% (pg.24). With data, Haidt paints a picture of a changed childhood experience that any educator who has taught for more than a decade has witnessed firsthand. Today’s teens struggle with anxiety and depression more than they ever have in the past. This spike, Haidt argues, is a direct result of the phone-based ecosystem in which most of today’s teens live and breathe. Haidt provides many other insights and ideas that make The Anxious Generation well worth reading.
Haidt’s research, combined with the experience and observation of CA’s teachers, staff, and students, has led to some significant changes to CA’s cell phone policy for the 2024-2025 school year. As usual, cell phones are not allowed to be used from bell to bell. But beginning this year, the use of cell phones is not permitted during any lunch period. Additionally, last year, seniors could use cell phones in The Commons during their study hall or when college classes were not meeting. This year, cell phones may not be used in The Commons from bell to bell, just like in any classroom. Cell phones may be used before school, after school, and during passing periods. As usual, any use of cell phones during prohibited times may result in the confiscation of the device and a $20 fine.
This updated cell phone policy will be reevaluated at the end of first semester, and possible changes will be made for the second semester.
-Tim Berner, Executive Director
New STAR Family Service Hours
As you certainly know, attending CA costs a significant amount of money. I begin every school year reminding our faculty and staff of this fact. I remind them that all our families sacrifice financially, and it is our responsibility to honor and justify this sacrifice. That being said, the truth is that tuition alone doesn’t cover the cost of running the school. CA’s endowment, fundraising efforts, and the generous gifts of donors are all needed to “keep the lights on,” as they say. This year, to help reduce costs, CA is implementing a new family service hours program. In addition to being a cost-saving effort, this program has the additional benefit of helping to achieve our core value of “living, working, and playing together in Christian community.” This new program is called STAR: Serving Together Advancing Relationships.
CA’s STAR program requires that every CA family commit 10 hours of service to the school annually. Opportunities include serving at homecoming, the auction, concerts, plays, Vision4Life, the school clean-up day, and other events. We also welcome tutoring students, helping with office work and facilities maintenance, or working concessions at CA’s athletic events. Not only will these hours help reduce overall costs, but they will also help build our community as our families serve together side-by-side.
During the first week of school, families will receive a link that will prompt them to sign up for Helper Helper, the online platform where volunteer hours will be managed. (Please only sign up for one account per family.) This account will allow you to view and sign up for an ever-growing myriad of service opportunities. If your family chooses not to complete all or any of your hours, you will be assessed a fee of $20/hour; a complete opt-out is $200. Watch for future emails with more information on CA’s new STAR program.
-Tim Berner, Executive Director
Weekly Communication
Each Friday during the school year, the CA Update is emailed to all CA families. That email is your primary source of information about news and events at Concordia Academy. If you supplied your email address during the enrollment or re-enrollment process, you should already receive CA Update emails, including an issue this Friday, August 10. (Please note that these emails may be in your “Newsletters,” “Promotions,” or “SPAM” folders.) However, if you do not receive a CA Update email on August 10, or you would like CA Update emails sent to an additional email address, click here.
New Student & Parent Orientation on August 15
New Student Orientation takes place on Thursday, August 15, 5:30 – 8:30 pm. New freshmen and transfer students, along with parents, should plan to attend this event.
At orientation night, students will:
- Have their pictures taken for student IDs.
- Get locker assignments.
- Go through their class schedule and find where their classes are in the building.
- Learn about high school life and extra-curricular activities.
Parents will:
- Hear about the mission of CA.
- Learn about academic opportunities and student support.
- Get information about life at CA, attendance policies, and more.
- Go through their student’s schedules to meet teachers and learn about classes.
Dinner is not served, so please plan accordingly. The night will be capped off with an ice cream social. New families should have received an email with more information about this important event.
Back-to-School Night for All Families on August 15
All parents should plan to attend Back-to-School Night on Thursday, August 15, 6:30-8:30 pm. Parents will follow their students’ schedules to meet teachers, pick up course information, and get a preview of the coming year. Even if you’ve been to previous Back-to-School Nights, you’re encouraged to attend again this year. Plan to arrive a few minutes early so you have enough time to pick up materials and avoid being marked tardy in your first class! And stick around at the end for an ice cream social!
Class Schedules
Student schedules are now posted in Educate. New families will receive a copy of their schedule at New Student Orientation. Returning families, please read below carefully.
- You will not receive a paper copy for Back-to-School Night. However, you may view your student’s schedule ahead of time in Educate by logging in here. Please print off a copy or bring an electronic version for Back-to-School Night.
- If you have trouble logging in to Educate, please contact Rose Hexum at [email protected] to reset your password.
If anyone has a schedule change request, please use this electronic form. We will process requests as they come in. A master schedule is also linked in the form above. For any schedule change requests after August 16, please note that students must see Ms. Mack in person, and a $20 late fee will be assessed.
Mandatory College Course Orientation on August 15
Students taking college classes this year must attend a mandatory College On Campus (PSEO) orientation session on August 15 at 1:00 pm in CA’s auditorium. CSP has transitioned to a new SMS, and you will receive important information regarding navigating this portal. You will also receive pertinent release information, forms, and ID cards. Students in our College On Campus program are expected to attend. Parents are also encouraged to attend to listen to the information. Email [email protected] with questions.
Important note: students taking college classes at Concordia Academy this year are once again expected to procure their own laptops.
Senior Release
Seniors who have a study hall during the first and/or last period of the day may choose a late start or early release instead of a study hall. Parents, please review your student’s schedule and discuss with your student if you’d prefer for them to have a late start, early release, or study hall. A change from study hall to late start or early release only goes into effect after a parent has submitted this form and the student’s schedule in Educate indicates the change. If you have any questions, please email Kelly Mack
Please note that this policy is separate from any college release privileges.
Senior Retreat
Members of the Class of 2025 will kick off the school year with a senior retreat at Camp Omega on August 21-22! The retreat is a valuable part of the senior year experience at CA, and it is also a fun time to jumpstart the year and connect with your classmates. As such, the retreat is required for all Concordia Academy seniors.
Seniors will leave during the school day on August 21 and return by the end of the school day on the 22nd. An email with specific details will be sent the week of August 5. The form found at http://www.concordiaacademy.com/seniorretreat must be filled out in order for a student to attend. For dietary restrictions to be accommodated, the form must be submitted no later than August 15.
Additionally, we are looking to use a Thrivent Action Team Grant for the retreat. If you or someone you know has an Action Team Grant available, please contact Andrew Asp at [email protected]. Thanks!
Athletic Parent Meetings on August 14
A meeting for parents of all fall athletes will take place on Wednesday, August 14, at 6:30 pm. MSHSL and CA rules and procedures for athletes will be discussed, followed by smaller meetings with coaches to share philosophies and expectations for each team.
Fall Sports Information
Fall sports start on August 12, and our coaches and athletes are getting prepared. Here are some important details.
In order to participate in Concordia Academy athletics, a student must have a current physical (within three years) and be registered for each sport. If your son’s or daughter’s physical expired last year or will expire this coming school year, they will need a new physical before starting any sport in 2024-2025.
Click here for a copy of the physical form that the doctor will need to sign. Please keep that form, as you will need to upload page 1 (or the page with the doctor’s signature) when registering for sports.
Online Athletic Registration Instructions
Registration for sports is open and must be completed through our online registration site. On this site, you will upload physicals, fill out the MN State High School League form, give other information, and pay the athletic fee.
- Go to https://concordiaacademy-ar.rschooltoday.com/home.
- For 9-12 graders, click on the icon on the left towards the bottom of the home page to begin the process.
- For 7th or 8th graders who have been asked to play on a high school team, use the icon in the middle towards the bottom of the home page.
- If this is your first time registering, click “I don’t have an account” in the right corner of the login screen. Once you’ve done this, please follow all instructions as you work through the process.
- If you are a returning family, please use your existing account to register. Not doing this will create multiple accounts, which then creates issues.
- If you forgot your password, you can click on the “forgot password” link. (See the image below.)
Note: Once you have created an account and want to add a sibling or new student, use the same login information you created the first time you logged in. DO NOT CREATE A SEPARATE ACCOUNT. You will also use the same login information when registering for additional sports later in the year.
Concordia Academy will assess athletic fees of $200 per athlete per sport, with a limit of $400 in fees for each athlete. The fees, which are used to offset the normal operating expenses of athletics, are assessed outside of tuition and the other regular fees regularly collected in July. We will continue to work with families facing financial hardship. The athletic fee will be collected during the registration process. Before pressing the submit button, you will enter your payment information in order to finish the process. This is required and you will not be fully registered until this step is completed. If your son or daughter tries out but does not make a team, your payment will be returned to you.
If you have questions about a sport, first contact the coach listed below. Direct any unanswered questions to Athletic Director Katie DeWitt ([email protected]) or Connie Voss ([email protected]).
Pre-School Sports Practice Times
Below are practice times for the first week of school. During these times, coaches will distribute additional information about practices for the remainder of the season. If you have questions, please email the coach listed for the sport.
August 12 -16, 3:00-4:30 pm
Location: Meet in the front lobby at CA
Coach: Jason Acosta, [email protected]
August 12 — Practice 3:00-7:00 pm (Be at school by 2:30 pm to take care of any equipment needs.)
August 13 — Practice 3:00-7:00 pm
August 14 — Practice 3:00-7:00 pm
August 15 — Practice 2:00-6:00 pm (New students and Student Ambassadors will be released early.)
August 16 — Volunteering at Golf Tournament, Shifts TBD
August 17 — Practice, 8:30-11:00 am
Location: CA
Coach: Bob Wolf, [email protected]
August 12 — 8:30 am-10:00 am; 3:30 pm-5:15 pm
August 13 — 8:30 am-10:00 am; 3:30 pm-5:15 pm
August 14 — 8:30 am-10:00 am; 3:30 pm-5:15 pm; Player/Parent meeting 6:30-7:20 at Concordia Academy
August 15 — 8:30-10:00 am; 3:30 pm-5:15 pm
August 16 — 8:30-10:00 am; Team Event (TBD)
August 17 — Varsity Scrimmage (TBD)
Location: Central Park soccer fields in Roseville, just north of CA, off of Dale St.
Coach: Tony Englund, [email protected]
August 12 — Tryouts & Meeting, 2:30-6:00 pm (Meet at the Concordia Academy track. We will go to Central Park for the remainder of the time)
August 13 — Tryouts & Meeting, 2:30-6:00 pm (Central Park)
August 14 — Tryouts & Meeting, 2:30-5:30 pm (Central Park)
August 15 — Practice 8:00-11:00 am (at Concordia Academy)
August 16 — Volunteering at Golf Tournament (Oak Glen Course), 8:00 am – 5:30 pm (Shifts TBD)
August 17 — Team Bonding, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Please wear a white/gray shirt and bring water, cleats, shin guards and a snack to have during our break at tryouts. Location: Central Park soccer fields in Roseville, just north of CA off Dale St.
Coach: Courtney Thompson, [email protected]
August 12 — Tryouts: 3:00-5:00 pm (all 9th graders); 6:00-8:00 pm (all 10-12th graders)
Players will be assigned to one of the two tryout time slots for Tuesday, August 13 at the conclusion of Monday’s tryout.
August 13 — Tryouts: 3:00-5:00 pm (C Team Evaluation), 6:00-8:00 pm (JV/Varsity Evaluation)
August 14 — Tryouts (All Players): 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Teams will be determined)
August 15 — Varsity 1:00-4:00 pm, JV 8:00-10:00 am, C Team 8:00-10:00 am
August 16 — Varsity 9:00-11:00 am, JV 8:00-10:00 am, C Team 8:00-10:00 am
Location: CA
Coach: Kim Duis, [email protected]
Beacon Athletic Booster Club
If your student is an athlete, we want you to join us in the Beacon Athletic Booster Club! CA is proud of the rich opportunities to cultivate strong character and talent in our athletes. We have incredible support from parents and volunteers and are excited to see the Booster Club lift Beacon athletics to the next level. If you are interested in participating, email [email protected].
Student Photos & Yearbook Pick-Up for Returning Students
All returning students will have their school picture taken on August 15 between 1:30 and 3:30 pm; students can come anytime during those hours. Students will receive a temporary ID that day and will receive finalized IDs within the first few weeks of school. New students will have their photos taken at New Student Orientation. Students involved in fall sports should plan to have their pictures taken early so that they can go to practice.
Once again, we will use JostensPIX for school photos. Students can preview pictures before buying them, personalize photos with various backgrounds, and take advantage of many other features. Click here to view the flyer and get information regarding the available options. Important note: Students should NOT wear green clothing for their pictures, as green will disappear into the background. Photos will be available for online ordering a few days after they are taken. Go to shop.jostenspix.com and use the Event Code FE16324. Picture retake day is Tuesday, September 17.
While returning students are at CA for photos, they may pick up yearbooks and purchase parking passes from Mrs. Hexum in the front office. Students must submit the parking pass form and payment before receiving a parking pass.
Class schedules will be available online via Educate.
Host Family Needed
Each year, CA is blessed to be home to a number of international students, some of whom live with CA families. Host families receive a stipend of up to $1000 monthly for housing international students during the school year. If your family is interested in learning more about this meaningful service opportunity, please contact Kelsey Cocchiarella at [email protected].
Parking & Student Drop-Off
All students and staff are required to display a Concordia Academy Parking ID when parking in the lot during the regular school day. IDs cost $40 each. Students may purchase parking passes using this form.
Overflow parking will again be on Lovell Avenue, in the south lot at King of Kings (look for the marked spaces), and at the Buddhist temple two blocks east of the school on Lovell. CA vehicles parked on the north side of King of Kings will be towed. Parking is also not allowed on the north side of County Road B2, at Central Park School, or in Concordia Academy’s two lots behind the school. Cars parked either inappropriately or illegally may be ticketed and/or towed at the student’s expense.
For a reminder of parking lot drop-off and pick-up procedures, click here.
Hot Lunch Information
Welcome to Concordia Academy’s Dining Services 2024-2025.
We strive to support CA families by providing healthy nourishment to keep students focused and ready for success. Please read this information carefully regarding the lunch program for the upcoming year, as some actions are required to participate.
- Students will not pre-order lunch. Instead, they need to have funds in their Boonli Wallet to purchase a lunch from the Cafeteria Serving Area. A separate a la carte store will also be available, and students need to have funds in their Boonli Wallet for a la carte purchases, as well.
- See instructions below to set up an account for your student in Boonli and add funds to the Wallet to pre-pay for any cafeteria or a la carte purchases. (Any unused funds will be credited at the end of the school year or may be rolled over to the following year.)
- Students wishing to purchase lunch will enter the cafeteria serving area and have their student IDs scanned. The lunch cost of $6 will be deducted from the student’s Boonli Wallet, and the student will proceed through the Cafeteria Serving Area to select from:
- Hot entrée of the day
- Soup/Salad or Sandwich Bar
- Selection of other options, including items such as pizza, burgers, chicken sandwiches, wraps, and more
All meal options include fruit, beverage (water or milk), and dessert.
- Supplemental items will be available for purchase at the a la carte store. These include fruit cups, nuts, cheese, beverages, dessert items, chips, and more. All purchases must be pre-funded through the Boonli wallet. No cash or other forms of payment will be accepted.
- The daily cafeteria menu will be available at www.concordiaacademy.com/lunch. If you have specific dietary requirements, please reach out to Julie Lynch ([email protected]) to discuss possible accommodations.
Instructions for setting up a Boonli account:
- Go to https://concordia.boonli.com. (Please bookmark this page.)
- Click “Create an Account.” The password is “CA1”.
- Enter your information and click “Submit.”
- Enter information for your students by clicking “Add Profile.” Repeat this step for any additional students.
- Click “I’m Done.” You can now sign in.
Thank you for participating in our school lunch program!
Peanut Policy
A number of our students have severe life-threatening peanut allergies, which include airborne exposure to peanut dust. Contact with this allergen (ingested, touched, or inhaled) can result in an anaphylactic reaction (anaphylactic shock). Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. For the safety of these students, we respectfully request the following: Please avoid sending loose peanuts (peanut in the shell, sleeves of peanuts, dry roasted peanuts) or foods containing loose peanuts (such as trail mix) to school. Peanut butter/peanut-based products are still allowed in the cafeteria. Thank you for helping us care for each other.
Freshman School Supply List
A school supply list for freshmen is available by clicking here. Pens, paper, folders, etc. will be enough to get the year started for all other grades. Each teacher will tell students what other items they will need on the first day of class.
Documents & Links
The page on our website to which we most often refer people is the “Documents & Links” page under “CA Families, Alumni, & Supporters.” Important student forms, parent forms, and handbooks needed during the year can be found here, in addition to bell schedules, the master schedule, and more. Click here to go to the “Documents & Links” page, then bookmark it or add it to your favorites!
Parents and students will want to give particular attention to the Academic Handbook and Course Catalog and Parent & Student Handbook, containing information on attendance, dress code, etc. Parents and students are responsible for being aware of all information in the Parent & Student Handbook. If you have questions about CA’s policies and expectations, please contact CA’s principal, Mrs. Jasmine Anderson, at [email protected].
Naviance College & Career Planning
We continue to utilize Naviance as a platform to aid students in self-assessments, career planning, goal setting, resume documenting, college and scholarship searches, and college applications. Returning families can utilize the same login information as last year; new families can expect their information via email in September. The guidance office will continue to train students to use this platform to assist in their current and future plans. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
East-Metro Transportation
CA will once again offer transportation to CA from Hudson and the east metro this year. Transportation is only available in the mornings. Cost is $750 per year (approximately $4.15 per day). For more information or to sign up, please contact Bob Wolf at [email protected].
Reporting Attendance
Please report absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals to the school by 8:00 am. All absences must be reported to the school office by a parent or guardian, not by a student (even if the student is 18). This can be done by going to www.concordiaacademy.com/attendance or emailing [email protected]. Please include the following information:
- the reason for the absence.
- the time the student is arriving and/or leaving, and whether the student will return to school (if the absence is only for a part of the day).
A student needing to leave during the school day will be issued a pass from the front office, allowing them to leave class at the time designated by the parent.
For more information about CA’s attendance policy, please see the Parent/Student Handbook, starting on page 13.
Golf Tournament
The 21st Annual Beacon Cup will be played on Friday, August 16, at the beautiful Oak Glen golf course in Stillwater. Register online at www.ConcordiaAcademy.com/golf. If you’re interested in being a sponsor or have questions, please contact Katie DeWitt at [email protected] or 651-796-2681.
Homecoming Week
Homecoming Week will be September 23-28! Early each year, this favorite event lets us gather together as a community, cheer on our Beacon athletes, and connect with past students and teachers. There will be Homecoming athletic games all week, ending with our big Homecoming football game, carnival, and alumni event on Friday, September 27. Students will also have the opportunity to enjoy a Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 28. Be on the lookout for details after the start of the new school year.
Many parent volunteer positions need to be filled for Homecoming events on Friday, September 27. For details, contact Lisa Sell ([email protected]) or refer to the Helper Helper for signup opportunities coming soon.
Tuition Fundraising Group
Are you interested in earning extra funds to help pay for tuition? Concordia Academy has a non-profit group made up of parents just like you who are committed to their children’s education. They work at concession stands at Target Field, US Bank Stadium, and others. The environment is fun, and workers earn a percentage of sales (tax-free) which can be directed to pay the school, church, or other non-profit of your choice. Required training is provided. If you are interested in joining this group or have questions about how it works and how much you can earn, please contact Doneta Johnston at [email protected]. She has worked at the venues and would happily share her experience with you. This opportunity is truly a blessing for many parents who are trying to pay tuition!
Senior Yearbook Photos
Please carefully read the following information regarding the submission of senior portraits for the CA yearbook. The yearbook deadline for submitting senior portraits is November 15.
Guidelines for 2025 senior portraits are as follows:
- Portrait/vertical format (do not submit horizontal or full body photos)
- Full-color (no sepia or black and white)
- Submit in digital format : JPEG, with a minimum of 300 dpi
- Preferred file naming: lastname_firstname.jpeg
Photos should be submitted to [email protected]. If photos are not submitted by the deadline, a simple portrait will be taken at school in December. Questions? Send an email to Rebecca Manacchio, CA’s yearbook adviser, at [email protected].
The calendar page of our website features our full calendar, which is always the most up-to-date version available. You’ll also find a link to download a one-page academic calendar for 2024-2025.
Student Success Teams
The Student Success Team is composed of school professionals who meet regularly to respond to referrals of students who may be struggling academically, socially, emotionally, or spiritually. The team strives to partner with families to respond in a way that will help a student have the best possible chance for success. Parents, coaches, teachers, and peers are encouraged to let us know if a student needs our support. Reach out to the team by emailing [email protected].
We are blessed to have a significant number of international students. However, unique challenges such as learning in a second language, cultural differences, as well as being far from family can impact success and growth. CA’s commitment to encourage and support our international students led to the creation of the International Student Success Team. Parents or host parents of international students who are experiencing social, physical, emotional, academic, or spiritual difficulties are encouraged to contact Mrs. Becky Berner, the Guidance Office representative on the International Student Success Team, at [email protected].
Holiday Craft Fair on November 9
The extremely popular CA Holiday Craft Fair returns on November 9. Registration is now open for crafters and vendors, so if you have a small business, we’d love to have you participate. This event always fills up quickly, so mark your calendars and register as soon as possible if you’d like to join. Simply click here for more information. Alumni receive a special vendor discount.
Spring Auction on April 12
It’s not even fall yet, but we want you to start thinking about CA’s annual spring dinner auction, our biggest fundraiser of the year. Last year’s event raised over $80,000! Mark your calendars for April 12. This event is held at CA and includes dinner, a live auction, and, of course, lots of fun! We are always collecting donations, so if you come across something that you think would be great for the auction, pick it up and drop it off at CA at any time. Our goal every year is to have 100% participation from our families through donations, monetary gifts, volunteering, or attendance.
We are in the process of assembling a committee of willing volunteers to help assist us in the planning and execution of this major event. If you are interested in more information, please email [email protected].
Make an Impact with Thrivent
Are you a Thrivent member? If so, you can help Concordia in big ways through Thrivent Choice Dollars and Thrivent Community Impact Cards. It’s easy and produces an immediate impact. Want to learn more? Contact Rose Hexum at [email protected].
Get Social with CA
Concordia Academy is active every day on social media. Be sure that you “like” or “follow” us on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter). As more people officially follow our accounts, we become more visible. In addition to recaps of events, our social media channels are also used to make important school announcements, including school closings, late starts, etc. Important notices are also posted at ConcordiaAcademy.com and are emailed to families.
School Store
Concordia Academy, in partnership with BSN, is excited to offer new designs in our online store. The new designs will be available for purchase online from August 16-30, with limited size samples available at Orientation and Back-to-School Night.
Our current online clothing store will continue to be available. Throughout the year, watch the CA weekly update email for seasonal team stores and special sales.
BEAMS Middle School Athletics
Do you have a middle-school student looking to build athletic skills and connect with the CA community? Then check out our BEAMS (Beacon Elementary and Middle School) Athletics program. We will offer football in the fall for 6th-8th grade boys. Boys and girls basketball are offered in the winter. The year wraps up with track and field for boys and girls in the spring. BEAMS Athletics is designed to offer opportunities for athletic growth and competition that will complement…not replace…the sports offerings at students’ current schools.
Click here to get more details and register for BEAMS.
Beacon Buddies Elementary Athletics
Beacon Buddies offers athletic camp options on Saturday mornings for future Beacons in 1st-4th grade. Opportunities include boys and girls soccer in the fall and boys and girls basketball in the winter. CA coaches and student-athletes lead Beacon Buddies. These Christian coaches and mentors help participants develop athletic interests, improve fundamental athletic skills, make friends, and build community. More information and registration for Beacon Buddies is available at www.concordiaacademy.com/beaconbuddies.
The Fine Print
Admissions Policy
Concordia Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate in the administration of its policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic or other administered programs.
2024-2025 School Year Asbestos Notification
As a result of recent federal legislation (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act – AHERA), each primary and secondary school in the nation is required to complete a stringent new inspection for asbestos and to develop a plan of management for all asbestos-containing building materials.
Concordia Academy has a goal to be in full compliance with this law and is following the spirit, as well as the letter of the law. As a matter of policy, Concordia Academy shall continue to maintain a safe and healthful environment for our community’s youth and employees.
In keeping with this legislation, all buildings (including portables and support buildings) owned or leased by the school district were inspected by EPA-accredited inspectors, and samples were analyzed by an independent laboratory. Based on the inspection, the district prepared and the state approved a comprehensive management plan for handling the asbestos located within its buildings safely and responsibly.
Furthermore, Concordia Academy has completed its AHERA 3-year re-inspection requirement. Concordia Academy buildings where asbestos-containing materials were found, is under repair, removal, and Operations and Maintenance.
This past year, Concordia Academy conducted the following with respect to its asbestos-containing building materials: Implemented our Operations and Maintenance Program.
Federal law requires a periodic walk-through (called “surveillance”) every six months of each area containing asbestos. Also, the law requires that all buildings be reinspected three years after a management plan is in effect. This will be accomplished under contract by MacNeil Environmental, Inc.
Short-term workers (outside contractors— i.e. telephone repair workers, electricians, and exterminators) must be provided information regarding the location of asbestos in which they may come into contact. All short-term workers shall contact the lead maintenance person before commencing work to be given this information.
Concordia Academy has a list of the location(s), type(s) of asbestos-containing materials found in that school building, and a description and timetable for their proper management. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available for review in the school office. Copies are available at 25 cents per page. Questions related to the plan should be directed to the district office, which will establish contact with our Account Manager under contract with MacNeil Environmental, Inc. To reach MacNeil Environmental, Inc. to discuss the management of our asbestos materials or with any questions, MEI is available at 218-245-2440.
Use of Pest and Weed Control Materials
Concordia Academy personnel may apply pest/weed control materials inside or on school grounds as needed. The school also utilizes a licensed, professional lawn service for the prevention and control of weeds on the school grounds.
These control materials are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are selected and applied according to label directions. The long-term health effects on children from the application of such pest/weed control materials or the class of materials to which they belong may not be fully understood.
An estimated schedule of herbicide/pesticide applications is available for review or copying in the school office. Parents of students may request to receive, at their expense, prior notification of any application of a pest/weed control material, should such an application be deemed necessary on a day different from the days specified in the schedule.